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We are often asked for data on the most popular genres of games to help decide product-market fit before developing a new game or concept. The results of studies vary greatly. Most likely due to the ever-changing gaming market, every year it would most likely change either slightly or even greatly. In this study by

A survey by Badgeville found that 90% of employees are more productive when their work is gamified, and 72% of employees feel more engaged and motivated when they have access to gamified tools and systems. According to a study by the University of Iowa, gamification can increase physical activity by up to 48%. The

Numerous studies support that games and game mechanics enhance learning outcomes and skill development. We created a list of examples of games that showcase the ability for games to offer engagement, active learning, immediate feedback, skill development, adaptivity, team-work, and risk taking. -A study by the University of Michigan found that students who

Artificial Intelligence, commonly known as AI, usually reminds people of super-robots who are more knowledgeable than any human, such as Vision from the MCU. But what is it really? Essentially, artificial intelligence is getting computers to do human tasks that require intelligence; sometimes it can actually succeed past the level of intelligence of