What is Previsualization (Previs)?
WHAT IS PREVISUALIZATION?Computer images have gone beyond being able to see what is invisible or what has happened, to now being able to show us what may happen. Hence, previsualization – a form of computer imaging that allows us to visually understand the future. More commonly game engines like Unreal Engine and Unity3d
The Toybox gives a glimse to what Facebook has planned for Oculus
With the latest Oculus demonstration, we see two VR users playing ping pong, fighting with toys, and setting off fireworks—all in virtual reality. It's the simultaneous nature of the multiplayer that's really special here, showing how virtual reality can potentially connect people around the world and let them inhabit the same immersive digital
What is the difference between virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality?
Technically there are four concepts to be understood here:1) Virtual reality - is everything that is not real. Any game on your computer from Mario to Modern Warfare is virtual reality. It allows you to experience a world that does not have a physical form. 2) Augmented virtuality - is augmenting real life
10 reasons to love HTML5 games
We love native games.But we also strongly believe that the mobile web is going to be a major future platform in gaming. We believe the two distribution methods will co-exist peacefully.Here are 10 reasons we believe in mobile web gaming and these are also the same reasons this form of gaming should not