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Video games have become extremely popular worldwide. GAME PILL has created a slideshow of world regions and their most popular game genres. Here are some statistics that show some of the popularity of video games globally: --The video game industry generated over $150 billion in revenue in 2020, making it one of the largest entertainment

Many members of our GAME PILL team played their first game in a K-Mart as a demo, in an arcade (Pacman anyone?) on an Atari or on a Commodore-64. Others started on the Nintendo 64. Since then, video games have become an integrated part of pop culture and our society as a mainstream

GAME PILL has been involved in fitness apps in the past and we are big believers in the potential for people to not only get in shape but also to accelerate their fitness goals in the case of athletes. Furthermore we are excited at the potential for workouts to be more fun and

Numerous studies support that games and game mechanics enhance learning outcomes and skill development. We created a list of examples of games that showcase the ability of games to offer engagement, active learning, immediate feedback, skill development, adaptivity, teamwork, and risk-taking. -A study by the University of Michigan found that students who played an