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What is the difference between virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality?

Technically there are four concepts to be understood here:

1) Virtual reality – is everything that is not real. Any game on your computer from Mario to Modern Warfare is virtual reality. It allows you to experience a world that does not have a physical form.

2) Augmented virtuality – is augmenting real life notions into the virtual world. A simple example would be using gyroscope to play games on your Android phone.

3) Augmented reality – is augmenting virtual objects in real world.  Microsoft Kinect kind of behaves like a device to augment reality though it can also be used to augment virtuality. An example of Kinect behaving completely as agumented reality device is this –

This is called a virtual trial room which augments virtual objects(clothes here) on a person standing in front. 

4) Mixed reality – is a mix of virtuality and reality to be more specific it is a mix of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. Microsoft HoloLens is perfect example of mixed reality, wherein  a user can navigate through real world with a use of  virtual objects and real life notions such as ‘depth’ is used on the virtual objects for better experience.