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Join us in exploring the often-controversial topic of microtransactions in video games and shed light on their positive aspects.Despite the criticism they receive, microtransactions can enhance the gaming experience by providing players with optional content, supporting ongoing game development, and fostering a sustainable gaming ecosystem.By understanding the potential benefits, we can gain a

Attention all visionaries and trailblazers of the business world! GAME PILL has created a few slides that explain part of the magic of prototyping. Use it as the secret weapon that can turbocharge your innovation efforts, empower your teams to move at lightning speed, and ultimately save you precious time and money. Prototyping has other

Are you tired of struggling to manage your art outsourcing projects in the gaming industry? Do you find yourself constantly facing issues with quality control, communication, and project management?  In this post, we outline a few common issues and potential solutions to fix them. Get ready to say goodbye to art outsourcing headaches and say hello

Creating a successful game is no easy feat, and outsourcing your game development has become a popular option for game companies as it can help save time and resources. However, that isn’t to say that game outsourcing will always be simple and easy and using this strategy can bring its own set of

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly popular in the world around us in everyday life and also in the world of game development. From helping game designers create smarter NPCs to improving player experiences, AI is revolutionizing the way games are created, updated, and played. GAME PILL has created a brief slide presentation that gives

In current times, mobile apps have become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, having an app strategy can help you engage with customers, increase brand loyalty, and drive revenue. GAME PILL has created slides that explore some of the key reasons why companies

We at GAME PILL are often working on various prototype projects. Game prototypes are an essential part of the game development process. They allow game designers and developers to test out ideas, experiment with mechanics, and identify potential problems before committing to a full-fledged game. There are many different types of game prototypes, each with

Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology that is changing the way businesses operate. By overlaying digital information onto the real world, AR is revolutionizing how companies can engage with customers and employees, improving productivity, and driving innovation.In the slides below GAME PILL helps explore some of the most promising use cases for AR

If you're a video game developer, attending industry events can be a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends, network with other professionals, and even showcase your own work. With so many events happening each year, it can be difficult to know which ones are worth attending. That's why GAME PILL

Simulation training is a really useful way to teach people how to do things in a safe environment. You can learn new skills without any of the risks or dangers that come with doing it for real.  It's often used in jobs where people fly planes, work in hospitals, or are in the military.