Game design Schools in the Toronto area
Do you love to play games? Do you wish that you could spend every day thinking about, talking about and working on games? Guess what? You can! The video game industry is thriving, and if you’re ready to learn fast and work hard, you could be a part of that world. Making a video game requires an array of skilled individuals, but those skills can’t be learned overnight. Whether you’re interested in design, programming or modeling, there’s a hell of a tutorial before you get to the good stuff. In order to make the most of your learning curve, you may want to consider going to school.
Many employers nowadays want to hire students. Going to school proves that you’ve been educated in the fundamental skills, and exhibits dedication and time management that it takes to complete a degree. If this sounds like a path you’d like to go down, you’re in luck. The Greater Toronto Area has a number of fantastic institutions; Sheridan, George Brown, Centennial, and Brock are all renowned for their animation and digital arts programs. If you feel ready to hit the books and make the grades, check out some of these schools for the next step in your quest for wisdom.
Each school has their own pros and cons, but if working on 3D animation is your jam, the 3D Animation program at Sheridan is going to give you a great foundation for your future career. Sheridan is one of the highest rated schools for animation outside of the USA, which means you’ll get a world-class education. With the increased popularity of 3D titles, there’s a ton of demand for talented 3D artists. At Sheridan you’ll learn real-world production techniques from animation experts in a collaborative environment that mirrors real working situations. In short, this is a damn good program that produces damn good animators, and if you want to be one of them, then you damn well want to go here.
For more information on 3d animation at Sheridan, visit https://www.sheridancollege.ca/programs/computer-animation
Maybe you don’t know exactly what field you want to go into. Is that such a crime? Relax. It’s okay to want to try your hand at things and discover what works for you. If this is the case, you might want to check out George Brown’s Game Art Diploma program. This will give you a well-rounded education in various disciplines, which will help you get a better sense for your skills and your interests. After all, the game industry has a lot of long days, so pick something you enjoy. What’s more, George Brown will give you good technical know-how that will help get your career off the ground. One student said; “George Brown has prepared me extensively for the industry. I’ve used every form of digital art and every tool to create digital art”. It’s a solid program with a good reputation, so if you want to spread your talents out, this is a great pick.
If video game design at George Brown interests you, please visit their website at:
You may be reading this article with a single question in mind; where can I go to make games? If so, you need to look into Centennial College. Unlike the two schools mentioned above, Centennials Game Design program takes a more entrepreneurial approach and prepares you for producing games of your own. This program may be hyper-specific to gaming, but it also features a lot of transferable skills, so you can finish the program and still be employable in a bunch of different industries. This will also give you a solid portfolio to show off your skills, and it will give you a well rounded knowledge that can be hyper useful when communicating with different departments. If owning a game studio is one of your career aspirations, this program should be at the top of the list.
If more entrepreneurial takes on game design interest you, visit
Do these options all sound a little too…practical? Do you want a little time to explore your own dynamic ideas before you get caught up working for other people? Brock University has the program for you. Their Game Design program focuses on developing your creative vision for generating designs for games. To be clear, they do provide their students with practical tools, and you will graduate with the hard skills you need to land a job, but you’ll learn a lot about executing a vision in the process. While some programs put technical learning first, this program prioritizes creativity, and that can be just as valuable in the long run.
If a more creative approach suits you, check out Brock University’s website at https://brocku.ca/game/ba-game-design/
If you’re ready to get your foot in the door, these programs will help you build a fantastic foundation for your career in game design. If design isn’t your focus and you’re more interested in video game programming, audio engineering, or writing, these schools all offer programs that can deliver more specific education to your interests, some of which even connect to the Game Design programs. So? What are you waiting for? Pick a program, and enroll. Work hard, and companies will be fighting over you in no time.